Monday, December 6, 2010
Working On Things
My husband and I put up all sorts of reindeer yesterday (by the time we went inside I couldn't feel my thighs, that's how cold it was.)
I've lost three pounds, which makes me happy. I am working on continuing that and I am trying to get back on the treadmill, but my surgery is Friday, so that will slow down for a while. I've also started working on re-learning and going over some older techniques with an eye for Third Degree Black Belt. Two more years for that, but it's better to start early.
I am working a lap robe for a co-workers mother and I am trying to clean up the house, get rid of clutter that I don't need any more. I also have to fix the downstairs bathroom sink. It's leaking. I have the parts, now I just have to do it. I also have to get the Christmas tree up, lol. There are not enough hours in a day sometimes. How are you all doing?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Back On Track
I gave a whole bunch of fabric to my best friend. Cleaned a whole bunch out of my (very large) stash. I have to be a little more aggressive about getting rid of things I don't really use or love. I got too much stuff and I need to clean house! lol Don't we all say that?
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What Makes Your Day Great?
I'm proud of you for sticking through the step exam and giving it your all.
I'll turn any color for a card like that!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I Passed And Was Multi Colored
Afterwards, I was told I was quite red. No, said another student, I was blue. Actually, said Miss B, I was purple. Several people were afraid I was going to pass out on the mat, either during or after the form. I wasn't worried about that. I didn't feel like I was going to pass out, just that I needed some really deep breaths. Which I eventually got. Sort of. PlusOne and I both passed and I spent yesterday afternoon parked in front of the TV eating chicken soup and watching TV. I plan on doing the same thing today. Have a great day.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Step Exam
My mom wants us to go help her outside Sunday and I want to clean my cellar. If I don't do either I won't be upset. My mom will get my husband and son, and maybe my nephew. That should be enough.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Working On Me - Part Two
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Working On Me
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Almost There
Monday, October 25, 2010
New Post
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Three Down

On the right of the photo you can see the 4x4 that I bought to replace the post at the top of the stairs. I will put that up later this week. Maybe Saturday. I need to borrow my neighbor's roof jack. Then I will finish the last stair railing and do the small straight railing. Touch up the steps and a few paint "holidays" and this will be done! Woo Hoo!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Hi Again!
I am back after a very long absence. We decided not to connect internet at home when we moved in more than a year ago because we were saving money for future plans. We thought we could get signal from the development's clubhouse wi-fi but it never worked well. It turns out that our house had a very weak signal and after several visits and phone calls we were lucky enough to finally get the problem fixed by a tech yesterday - a month after we signed up for the service with a cable company. So, here I am again!
I don't even remember what my goals where before I got pregnant. During my pregnancy one of my main concerns was to organize the house to be able to use our storage room as a nursery. We live in a very tight townhouse - or, to tell the truth, not TOO tight but it lacks of sufficient closet space and my husband likes to have everything in place - nothing lying around in the living room or dining room. That goal, I got it done by myself. Although I must say that whenever we do laundry I have trouble finding a place for our clean clothes. I like them better in the laundry basket. And there's baby's toys everywhere. Ok, we need a bigger house.
My other goal was not to gain too much weight. I dreaded to stay overweight after giving birth and that did not happen. I need to loose a few pounds still and I am working on it. I am sure I had more goals and ideals but... my baby was born, and then all changed. For the better. I find myself busier than ever, happy and at the same time exhausted. Maternity leave was like a dream. No rush, no schedules (only nursing schedule)... then I went back to work. In the past my thoughts were that "this" was something I would never be able to do. I was the kind of person that needed her good lot of hours of sleep. And then a nap. I was very laid back, not very energetic and I could multitask only at work - never at home. For those reasons, reading this blog was like reading a superhero's story. Really. "How do they do this and that? and then have enough time to also do this other? and on top of that, run a marathon?" It's been very inspirational. And now it seems more real than ever! I realize that there's so many things I've never done because I didn't need to. I am proud to say that I have become a very organized person. I prepare a healthy lunch ahead of time, I wake up at the crack of dawn, leave home with enough time to be able to nurse my baby before leaving her in daycare, I work 9 hours, I get back home 12 hours after I left... I am always doing something to have it ready for the next day. And it feels good! I am exhausted but at the same time I am getting used to being productive more hours of the day. Emotionally I still feel confused about being a working mother but for now I think it is the best for all of us. It may be time to set new goals as I am adjusting to my new life well, so I will think about them and come back.
Two Down
As for the railings, all I can say is they are an absolute bear. I decided to toss the instructions out and build them in place. Install the top rail, the bottom lower rail, put the slats in and screw the last bracket in place. It went a whole lot faster than putting the railing together, then cutting it down to size then installing it all.
I will be glad when this is done!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The First Thing
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Backyard
I have all five posts up for the stairs. Next up is the railing. Then continue painting the foundation.
On the health front, there is a muscle (hamstring) that runs from my butt under my knee that is aching and makes sitting uncomfortable. I think it is also not helping my knee. Am working on getting that less tense. Always something to do.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Did You Know
I burned for Kearns three times last week, but the knee has been hurting a lot. I don't like being in pain, so I guess I will call the doctor Monday. I figure if it gets better in the two weeks it will take me to get an appointment then I am okay. But if not, I am not going through the winter eating 600mg of Advil a day for pain.
Monday, September 20, 2010
But Coach...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Burns With Kearns

This is Coach Kevin Kearns. He came to the studio yesterday to spark us all up for a 90 Fitness Challenge. He said the average weight loss for his 90 day program is 18 pounds. I can live with that. So after a 2-1/2 hour workout, a 1/2 nutrition talk and a whole lot of fun (this guy is an absolute hoot) I limped home. (The recent weather change has made my knee ache a whole lot! That and 2-1/2 hours of lunging, squatting, and moving around.)
Some of the things I simply could not do, my knee would not allow it, but the rest was really fun. I needed something to get my butt in gear in regards to my weight and core strengthening and this is it. Ninja One and I are going to do his video this morning and then I have to continue to do it at least 3 times a week. Coach Kearns says "something is better than nothing" and since right now I am doing nothing, I better get going and do something.
I will keep you posted on my progress.
In house news, I stained the fence that was power washed (approximately 1/2 the fence). Now I have to power wash the other half and stain it. I would like to get that done this week.
I also went to Home Depot and investigated a new railing. I found a nice one that has solar powered post tops (how cool is that?) I can get it in white, black or gray. I am not sure if I want black with the gray steps and the white house? Or gray in gray with the white house. I am pretty sure I do not want white. I will need six posts and then the railings, so this is going to be a one side then the other side project. I will post photos as I finish each section. :)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Steps Painted
Monday, September 6, 2010
Shed Done
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Working Hard
What do you think of the blue?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Finishing Up
How is everyone doing?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Getting Started
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Week One

Friday, August 6, 2010
A Goal Achieved

Ninja One told me that the best part of this was actually being able to invite me to her Black Belt ceremony. When I told her I wouldn't have missed it for the world, she told me I was missing the point. Five years ago the idea of inviting me to this ceremony would have been unthinkable, laughable even. Four years ago it was dream. Three years ago it was a possibility. One year ago a probability. Two weeks ago a certainty.
She also told me that she couldn't have done it without the support of myself and my nephew (Mr. Karate). As the studio owner said, "no one achieves a goal without help. It just doesn't happen." He was right. I got help to get to my black belt and 2nd degree. I have passed it on and continue to pass it on with my teaching.
Sometimes the help does not have to be a big thing, it may even be something you might consider inconsequential. But to the person receiving it, it might be the exact thing they needed at that moment. It might have been the catalyst for a life changing event. Remember that, when you are looking at someone trying to achieve something difficult, learn something new, change something bad. Our words can be like nails, leaving permanent damage, or like the helping hand, giving a much needed boost to someone in need.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Projects Getting Done
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Thank You
I really don't know how I managed to stumble into this position, but I love the fact that I can help people achieve their goals. It makes me so happy. I never want to lose the ability to help my students. It really is what keeps me going.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Ninja One's Last Test
Sunday, July 18, 2010
You Know...
I have been meaning to dig it up and put in a cement border, especially since the water pools there when it rains really hard. Luckily for me, it is in the shade. So I dug it up and started the cementing. When I was done I went next door for a dip in the neighbor's pool. Neighbor has been playing Age of Mythology with PlusOne lately and he loves my berries so we have a good arrangement. It really is great to have nice neighbors.
It was awesome just floating in the nice cold water. The sun was filtering down through the trees and I just floated along, relaxing all the muscles and enjoying the cold. I did have to get out after a while, though but I felt a lot better.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Test Day
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Compliment
The fact that he wants me to teach it from scratch means he is showing incredible confidence in me. I have to live up to that. I cannot show any doubt or hesitation teaching this Form. I am going to OWN this Form. I am going to write it out and also use my nephew and son as human test subjects for teaching. I have three weeks to do this. I will OWN this Form. You can bet on that!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Trim Is Done!
But we're having a heat wave here (it was 99 degrees yesterday as I finished this) so I am not rushing anything. I just wanted this DONE so the birds couldn't get in anymore. Now they can't.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
So what am I going to do with all my spare time? Fix the trim on the house and paint it. It looks terrible and it has been bothering me for a while. As you can see in the photo below, there used to be a bird's nest in the trim. I yanked off the trim to the left of the ladder and started pulling the trim off to the right of the ladder. The birds aren't really happy with me, but they really do need to find another place to live. There are plenty of trees nearby for them.
I also bought a darker shade of gray for the cement foundation and the stairs. I plan on using my spare time to get a lot of stuff done. Of course we are supposed to be going into a heat wave, so we'll see how much I actually accomplish.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Me and My Ninjas
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Testing Saturday
Mom has faith in both her Ninjas. And since Ninja One always gives me treats, I want her to pass as well.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Knee
Running Form Five (which is all up and down on the knees) was a painful, depressing process. But Thursday night it wasn't. It's amazing how you feel when something you are doing finally feels good, but I finally feel optimistic about my knee. That makes me happy and happy is good. Very good!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Checking Off The List
I finally finished around 9:30 pm and even though the caulk say it dries in 3 hours, we didn't use the shower until a full 24 hours went by.
I was good to have a slower day yesterday, if you can call cleaning out the breezeway slower. I filled three or four garbage bags, rearranged stuff and suddenly had lots more room in there. And I can open the door to the back yard without having to shove stuff out of the way. WIN!
And I wonder why I sleep really well? lol
Monday, May 24, 2010
We started edging the grass that is overflowing the private sidewalk that runs down the yard. The grass is growing over by 6 - 8" each side. It's gonna take a while, as it's about 20 - 30 feet long. But it's getting done. Another to do task getting taking care of. Woo hoo.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Leading yourself is also known as following. Following is not a bad thing, as long as you follow the right person.
Monday, May 17, 2010
This And That
I raked and cleaned up the dirt that my neighbor roto tilled for my sunflowers. I think I will wait another week before transplanting them. I am sure they will love to have some deeper dirt to stick their roots in. Now I have to so the section in the backyard where all the vegies are going. My sister commented on how well my green beans and peas are doing. I bought some different types of broccoli as my neighbor's is shaping up a lot better than mine.
And I talked to Ninja Two about her test and she said she feels confident and worried, but now she knows what a test is like so she is not so anxious. They will find out how they did this Saturday. I am not worried. I have faith.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
First Test
If determination alone will get you there, then these two have it made!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Outdoor Work
I started exercises for my knee and I did my shoulder exercises.
I need to buy two hooks so I can hang my nephew's extra bicycle in the garage (and get it out of the way).
The sewing machine is unhappy so I am not certain if this one is going to get repaired or replaced. Such a hard decision. Trying to find the right sewing machine is not as easy as it used to be. Of course, if I used any of the 97 million other stitches than forward and backwards it might make a really big difference, but I don't. So it really ought to be easy. Then why isn't it?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Bravery and Fear
Also, some people are afraid of success more than they are afraid of failure. That is an interesting concept and sort of alien to me, I must admit. But I think that it is true and real. Only you can figure out if you are afraid of success, or failure, but remember this. If you don't like what happens after you succeed in something, you can always do something about it and change. I mean, you succeed right? So you can succeed in something else. Why are we so afraid that the path in front of us is carved in stone, when it really isn't and it really is all about the journey and what we learn on the way.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Another One Bites The Dust
Of course, I ended up staking and tying up the rest of the boysenberries and raspberry bushes. It all looks so much neater and my husband will be able to mow the lawn around them without mowing them!
Fast walked twice last week, only did the shoulder exercises once. Have to improve on that this week.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Did You Know
Did you also know that you can't be in the doldrums if someone needs you? Yup, that's right, because someone needs you to be YOU, the you they adore, you can't mess it up by being grumpy. I mean, you could, but you don't want to. Being needed is a great feeling. I wonder how many people would feel better if they knew, really knew, how much they meant to someone and if they were really, really, needed by someone. I bet a lot. What do you think?
Did you also know that it IS possible to coach someone on the best running program while you, yourself can't run, but you can walk very, very fast? Yes, that's true, too. And did you also know that the first 5 - 10 minutes of running your body is screaming at you to stop but if you ignore it then you will realize that you really AREN'T dying and it could actually be good for you? Amazing isn't it?
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Working Hard To Be Strong
In other news, I told NinjaOne and NinjaTwo their new names. They asked if that was like ThingOne and ThingTwo. When I said yes, NinjaTwo said she would rather be called ThingTwo. NinjaOne said I had better look out, because they were going to be trouble like ThingOne and ThingTwo. I better be careful. Although I am a 2nd degree, the two of them might be able to take me by teaming up. Another reason to hit the treadmill and the weights. :)
Monday, April 19, 2010
Fast Walking
NinjaTwo (who is no less than one) told me a few weeks ago that if it hadn't been for me she would have quit years ago. That floored me. I told her I never knew I was that important to her. She seemed surprised that I didn't know this. I still have a hard time believing that I am so important to some people who are not related to me by blood. Anyway, NinjaTwo was sick yesterday, so she could not come to the gym with us. But she had worked out after class Saturday with another student (who I led to black belt when I went for my second) so I wasn't too concerned. I knew she'd had a good workout.
NinjaOne has to loosen up her back before she starts running, so we discussed the best way to do that. Walking to class may be the best solution. NinjaTwo can give her a ride home after. NinjaOne has lost 245 pounds, so running for 20 minutes straight is a big deal. She can't do it yet, but I helped her formulate a better plan. She runs for 5 minutes straight (at 4.3 and an incline of 1), walks (at 3.5) for 3 minutes, runs for 5 minutes walks for 3 minutes. After a week of this, she should drop the second two walking breaks to 2 minutes and then try to increase the run time. Through all of this, I walked fast at 4.0 (on an incline of 1). Trying to jog any faster put too much unpleasant pressure on my knee (what with all this stupid rain, snow and cold weather it's back to hurting again). I did 30 minutes and felt good afterwards. If I do this a couple times a week (with NinjaOne and Two) I will start strengthing my legs and increase my stamina.
I really didn't like the running when I did it, but I liked the results. So I am annoyed that my knee has decided it really doesn't like running. I figure I am going to push up to the point where I know I can't go and sooner or later that point will move. And since that's what I believe, that's what's going to happen.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Pneumonia sucks
I'll have to look forward to the Komen 5K on May 8th and the Bay to Breakers just after.
Stupid pneumonia.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Karate Time
I am down 7 pounds, yes, I was down more, but I hit some bumps. I am not looking backwards, but forwards to the new cycle and the fifteen weeks ahead of me. I am planning on losing at least 8 pounds in this next cycle. At least.
If anyone needs to start something, today is a good day to do it.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Achieving A Goal
Last week she let me know that she did 60 sit ups. That was a huge moment for her, matched only by this moment, passing this test. Now she wants to find the candidate belt that my son, nephew and I all had. She wants to wear it as a good luck charm and a focus for what she can achieve. I can't tell you what this feels like, except that when I go to sleep thinking about this, I will fall asleep with a smile on my face.
I guess I am finally beginning to feel really comfortable with being a black belt. It's only been two years. lol.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
More Planting And Some Shopping
I did expand my computer tray so that it holds the keyboard and the mouse, taking pressure off my shoulder. I also re-did my husband's keyboard tray, as two family members kicked it and bent the pieces so it wouldn't slide out easily or it slid out to far and fell out.
The checkbook is all done and I had the lady who comes to work to help out with your 401K's and all that jazz check into a couple of issues that needed dealing with. That was a nice one to get off my plate.
Have to do a little more shopping tomorrow, for necessities and new pants and sneakers for my son. I've got a list for that as well.
How are we all doing?
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Indoor To Do List
2) Finish painting the baseboard trim in the bathroom.
3) Paint the windows and trim of the eight front porch windows.
4) Paint the window and trim in the playroom.
5) Install the shade in the playroom.
6) Paint the windows and trim in the breakfast nook.
I think that's enough to get started, don't you?
Monday, April 5, 2010
One Check Off The Outdoor To Do List
Outdoor To Do List
1) Move lilies and iris out from the berry plant garden and into the flower garden. Check!
2)Re-shingle the little roof above the cellar door.
3) Fix the door to the space under the steps where the lawnmower is. (I have made a new door and need to finish painting it and re-hang it on the opposite side so it's easier and smarter to open.)
4) Plant all my seeds and put a fence around the broccoli and green beans so a certain little black dog does not get into them.
5) Weed the other half of the flower garden and get some of that weed block mulch on all of it.
6) Get a better trellis for the far left boysenberry bush. The streamers on that bush travel so hard a lot of the berries end up in the dirt
7)Dry-lock paint the outside of the foundation.
Next) Make a gazebo so that I can sit in the shade in the backyard and not bake out in the sun. Which is only fun some of the time.
That's a start to my outdoors to do list. Tomorrow I will give you my indoors to do list.
Friday, April 2, 2010
However, that being said, my instructor said something very interesting that I think a lot of you might like. When you go for a goal and you don't succeed, it doesn't mean FOREVER. Start over again, evaluate what you did wrong and what you did right. Do more of the right and try to skip what you did wrong.
Too often I think that people try to lose weight at the beginning of the year, hit a bump and just give up, completely. Do you want to lose weight or not? Do you want to be healthy or not? Then start over. No one is perfect and there is nothing that says you can't ever try again and this time succeed. Just remember to learn from your mistakes, don't keep repeating them over and over. Then you're not really learning what you need to learn.
Monday, March 29, 2010
8 1/2 miles!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
A New Week
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
"Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'" - Mary Anne Radmacher
Monday, March 22, 2010
Spring Cleaning
The warmer weather has me really tossing things I just don't want and don't use, I had some fabric samples that I wasn't sure about and I looked through them all and decided which ones I was keeping and which ones I wasn't. It felt really good.
I also picked up some stuff in the back yard and bagged it all up, ready to go to the curb on garbage day AND I cleaned out the stuff on the floor of the garage and swept it all. I'm tired, but satisfied. Just another thing done on the list. :)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Huge goal coming up!
I've started a training blog - if you care to follow my path.
I'm excited, scared and up for the challenge!
Chelle (DKM)
You Know
I don't often lead groups, so I was feeling very insecure about my abilities, and since I have passed in my Intermediate Level Instructors Certification, I was wondering what other requirements I would need to pass. And whether or not my instructor felt I could lead a group well.
Tonight he asked if I could take one or all three of his classes next Wednesday night. (I normally assist him in the same three classes on Monday night, so I know the classes and the students.) As you can imagine, that made me feel really good. It means he thinks I can lead a group, and maybe even the entire class. WOO HOO
Monday, March 15, 2010
Helped focus my son and his friend on their science project. The friend is very unfocused and unmotivated. I think he really doesn't care what grade he gets, even though his mother is angry with his progress report and wants a good grade on it. I worked on my quilt while they worked on researching and writing about North American earthquakes and volcanoes. Fun! NOT!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Back On Track
Have a great weekend everyone.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
My Scale
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
My shoulder is getting better, have not restarted the shoulder exercises, don't want to push it. But the pain has really subsided and I think that I will be ready to start back up next week.
How is everyone doing?
Monday, March 8, 2010
Mission Accomplished
I forgot to make granola, but that was because it was so gorgeous out I took my son and the dogs for a nice walk. The last two very spring like days have made me itching to clean up, toss out and generally organize. I hope this weather lasts, but being born and raised here, I am not holding my breath.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Another One Bites The Dust
Yesterday was a lovely, sunny, in the mid 50's day. A perfect day for fixing this. Of course, when I bought the new latch, I made sure it was extra heavy duty. I also needed to put it in a new location because the wood where it was was split. It took me a few minutes to figure out how to work around that but I did and we now have a latch that works well. And should last longer than the previous one. Or the one before that.
Today is checkbook day. I will accomplish this. I will.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Extra Incentive
I haven't been good with my checkbook :( but I am promising myself to do it Saturday afternoon or Sunday. I have to really focus on being better with that. Can't let myself slide. I realize why I don't want to do it, with money being tight ignoring it sometimes feels good but it never turns out ending well.
I did not do staggered push-ups in the second degree class. I did regular ones. We'll see how my shoulder feels tomorrow.
Take care and hope everyone is doing well.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I Figured It Out
I am resting it a couple days and then back to the physical therapy exercises.
As for the food, back on track with that, writing everything I eat down. I can do this, yes I can!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Feeling Blah
It actually felt good to get back to work. I am a routine person and yesterday was a good example of how a routine can make things a lot easier. We had a very good weekend and I was busy all day, no time to be bored, which I can't stand. It wasn't a bad day, just a little tiring. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little less blah.
Take care everyone.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Rain, Rain, and More Rain
Better today on the diet. I hate that "monthly" time because there are days I feel I could eat several steaks and mashed potatoes and still need more. Oh well.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Shoulder exercises and getting back on track with my eating are top of my list. Vacation is fun, but not so regimented as I need to continue to lose weight. So, must smack my hand and put my nose back to the grindstone and remember how much I WANT this. :)
Hope you are all well and not getting tons of snow or rain.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Shoulder Exercises
Sunday, February 21, 2010
An Interesting Talk
And he said I should be proud of the fact that I am still on the mat messing it up with all of them. You know what, I am. I am not stopping until I at least get to 3rd degree, when I turn 50. Then maybe (and then again maybe not) I might think about slowing down.
Too many people give up on things too early in life. I wanted to do karate since I was 16 years old. And once I got on the mat and started down that path, there was NOTHING and NO ONE who was going to stop me. When I was running (and dying) all I could think of was that black belt. When things hurt and I wasn't understanding techniques or forms, I thought of that black belt.
Let me tell you that if each and every one of you had that focus, you would achieve whatever it is you want. But you have to WANT it. And not be willing to quit. I wanted it and there was no way in heck I was quitting.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Shoulder Exercises
I have also been making my son do them as well, to help his push-ups. They are getting much better, but I want to make certain he passes his tests (for 2nd degree black). The second test is this Saturday. We ran through his forms, techniques and all the other techniques just in case he is thrown a curve ball, like our group was. He is also running three times a week, as well as doing 80 sit-ups and 50 push-ups three times a week. Actually four times a week, because that's what they do in their Saturday morning class.
And I wonder why we both sleep well.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Look Ma, The Door Shuts!
Another To Do item DONE!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The Box Part Two
I have already filled the box with all sorts of books that I do not want and am looking forward to the cabinet over the closet in the bathroom. My attempt to fix the door knob didn't work because, believe it or not, it's for a left hand opening door, not a right hand. Since I can't just flip it upside down, I will have to see if I can get one for a right hand opening door. What a drag!
Oh well, gotta go do my shoulder exercises and then clean up my notes for my form. I ran it (slowly) with my nephew (Mr. Karate) and I have all the angles and directions CORRECT. I don't know if I can explain how happy that makes me. I really want to do this form well on my next step exam in 9 weeks and having the angles and directions down makes it SO much easier to practice.
Keep the faith!
Monday, February 15, 2010
The Box
So, here is the box that I plan on putting yard sale items in. I realize it may only be the first of many, but the fact that I now have something to collect all the miscellaneous stuff I do not want makes me very happy.

I also have to fix the bathroom door knob and the door knob to my son's bedroom closet. Those will be a little messy, as the "guts" of the door knob (there is a lock in it) is a different shape than the ones I originally put in. So I will have to do some drilling and scraping and generally make a mess.
I will keep you posted on my progress.
Anyone else have some boxes they need to fill?