Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wrappin' up 2009 & headin' into 2010

I was kinda feeling like a blog hog there - so I'm really happy that everyone is posting again. It was a hard year for me. I've been working horrible hours at work trying to keep employed. All of those hours have really prevented me from doing anything but work, eat, walk/swim and sleep. I have missed blogging, crocheting and cooking.

But on a happy note - Here's where we ended up last year:
  • I have no limp and walk 90 min at 3.3 miles an hour
  • I’ve dropped over 50 pounds
  • I can swim two miles
  • Wearing clothing that I’ve not worn in 20 years
  • Hiking 5-10 miles on the weekends
  • Walked across the Carquinez & Benicia Bridges
  • Walked a 5K
  • Donated a squillion pieces of clothing & linens to the women’s shelter
  • Donated a squillion books and CD to my grandmother’s assisted living facility & the library
  • Gutted and cleaned two rooms of my house
  • Got all the kitchen cupboards cleaned up and organized (I don't need to shop for legumes, grains or baking supplies for 10 years!)

So... 2010. I do have some larger goals this year in addition to my smaller monthly goals. I've happily gotten a new position at the bank and have my life back - so I think I'll have a better year and really be able to focus on some of my challenges again.

  • I've signed up for a 9 mile walk in Big Sur at the end of April. My goal is to walk the 9 miles in three hours. I've been training for 3 months so far... so we'll see.
  • I'm walking 3 5K's this year. One in Phoenix, one in Napa and the boob walk again in SF.
  • I'd like to drop some more weight
  • Because of the crazy hours - I've not been focusing on my eating. So this is back on my radar - Posting my bento photos on Facebook has been helping.

Thanks for the motivation all!


  1. I really ought to give you some kind of award for being the star of DWD. I shall have to think of something for you. You have done and AMAZING and AWESOME job, and if we helped, then we should all pat ourselves on the back.
    I am happy you've lost 50 pounds and walk with no limp. I hate running, so I think you are just amazing to be running all those races. Fine job.

    Glad you got a better job and hope that helps in all of your new goals.

  2. Oh I'm not running those - I'm walking the 9 mile and the 5ks. I do not like to run. I forgot to add I'm trying to hit 2000 miles walked this year and tracking with my pedometer

  3. We are really impressed at all you've done! That's a amazing!

  4. Sounds like you've make some great strides! Yay!!

