Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Long time no post

Hi all, been a while since I've posted but I do have good news.

I saved a bunch of $ by switching to.....

In Feb my cholesterol was 220. Got it measured mid June it's down to 180! I also lost 5 lbs based on the Dr.s office scale. I was so excited!

I tend to crave fruits and some veggies now. This didn't happen overnight by any means but slowly as I ate better, foods such as brownies, cookies, etc just weren't as appetizing. I also tackled a very very big milestone in therapy. Some revelations that have been over 10 years in the getting to. I so understand myself much better.

Today someone brought Doughnuts and I didn't eat one! I didn't obsess over it or anything!

As far as working out its hit and miss. I just got back to work this week from traveling so I've worked out 2 days in a row.

So here are my goals:

No binge eating
Eat more fruits
Eat more veggies
workout 3-4 times a week

I want to thank you again for this blog. I know I haven't posted or commented in a while but it was here and I was reading it. I think I thought some of this was too good to be true. Yes yes I know there will be days where I eat more than I should but I think I've finally made a paradigm/lifestyle change.


  1. Good for you for making the change. We haven't posted much either so we understand how life gets in the way sometimes!

  2. Hi! Glad I came across your site! I would love to add one another as followers! I am always trying to network with other bloggers:)! Just let me know OR add me and I will then add you as well! Have a wonderful day!

  3. You are doing so great!
